Research outputs
(CDT Student names in bold)
Solutions of differential equations in Freud-weighted Sobolev spaces
Authors: Maxime Breden, Hugo Chu
Fractal dimensions for iterated graph systems
Author: Ziyu Neroli
On the scale-freeness of random colored substitution networks
Authors: Nero Ziyu Li, Thomas Britz
Coarse extrinsic curvature of Riemannian submanifolds
Authors: Marc Arnaudon, Xue-Mei Li, Benedikt Petko
Weak Convergence Analysis of Online Neural Actor-Critic Algorithms
Authors: Samuel Chun-Hei Lam, Justin Sirignano, Ziheng Wang
Deep Neural Network Initialization with Sparsity Inducing Activations
Authors: Ilan Price, Nicholas Daultry Ball, Samuel C.H. Lam, Adam C. Jones, Jared Tanner
Neural Networks-based Random Vortex Methods for Modelling Incompressible Flows
Authors: Vladislav Cherepanov and Sebastian W. Ertel
Random vortex dynamics and Monte-Carlo simulations for wall-bounded viscous flows
Authors: Vladislav Cherepanov, Sebastian W. Ertel, Zhongmin Qian and Jiang-Lun Wu
On the dynamics of the boundary vorticity for incompressible viscous flows
Authors: Vladislav Cherepanov, Jian-Guo Liu and Zhongmin Qian
Conditioned stochastic stability of equilibrium states on uniformly expanding repellers
Authors: Bernat Bassols Cornudella, Matheus Manzatto de Castro and Jeroen S. W. Lamb
Universality classes for percolation models with long-range correlations
Authors: Christopher Chalhoub, Alexander Drewitz, Alexis Prévost, Pierre-François Rodriguez
Constructive proofs for some semilinear PDEs on H²(e^{|x|²/4} , ℝ^d)
Authors: Maxime Breden (École Polytechnique, Paris) and Hugo Chu
Optimal Portfolio Choice with Cross-Impact Propagators
Authors: Eduardo Abi Jaber, Eyal Neuman and Sturmius Tuschmann
Partially Stochastic Infinitely Deep Bayesian Neural Networks
Authors: Sergio Calvo-Ordonez, Matthieu Meunier, Francesco Piatti, Yuantao Shi
Rigorous enclosure of Lyapunov exponents of stochastic flows
Authors: Maxime Breden, Hugo Chu Jeroen S.W. Lamb and Martin Rasmussen
Noise-induced chaos: A conditioned random dynamics perspective
Authors: Bernat Bassols-Cornudella and Jeroen S. W. Lamb
VolGAN: a generative model for arbitrage-free implied volatility surfaces
Authors: Milena Vuletić and Rama Cont (working paper)
Learning Lie Group Symmetry Transformations with Neural Networks
Authors: Alex Gabel, Victoria Klein, Riccardo Valperga, Jeroen S. W. Lamb, Kevin Webster, Rick Quax and Efstratios Gavves
Narratives from GPT-derived Networks of News, and a link to Financial Markets Dislocations
Authors: Deborah Miori and Constantin Petrov
Kernel Limit of Recurrent Neural Networks Trained on Ergodic Data Sequences
Authors: Samuel Chun-Hei Lam, Justin Sirignano, Konstantinos Spiliopoulos
Likelihood-based inference and forecasting for trawl processes: a stochastic optimization approach. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.16092 (2023) (with software: Ambit stochastics - a Github repository dedicated to the study of ambit fields and trawl processes, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7081978.)
Authors: Dan Leonte and Almut ED Veraart
Binomial Cayley Graphs and Applications to Dynamics on Finite Spaces
Authors: Bernat Bassols-Cornudella, Francesco Viganò
Monte-Carlo method for incompressible fluid flows past obstacles
Authors: Vladislav Cherepanov, Zhongmin Qian
Author: Matheus M. Castro, Giuseppe Tenaglia
On the fluctuations of an SDE system modelling grid cells
Author: Andrea Clini
SHAPER: Can You Hear the Shape of a Jet?
Demba Ba, Akshunna S. Dogra, Rikab Gambhir, Abiy Tasissa, Jesse Thaler
Fluctuations of stochastic PDEs with long-range correlations
Author: Luca Gerolla, Martin Hairer, Xue-Mei Li
Calibration of Local Volatility Models with Stochastic Interest Rates using Optimal Transport
Gregoire Loeper, Jan Obloj, Benjamin Joseph
Smooth vs. Physical Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equation
Authors: James Glimm, Jarret Petrillo, Min Chul Lee
DeFi: data-driven characterisation of Uniswap v3 ecosystem & an ideal crypto law for liquidity pools
Authors: Deborah Miori, Mihai Cucuringu
Execution and Statistical Arbitrage with Signals in Multiple Automated Market Makers
Authors: Álvaro Cartea, Fayçal Drissi, Marcello Monga
Coarse Ricci curvature of weighted Riemannian manifolds
Authors: Marc Arnaudon, Xue-Mei Li, Benedikt Petko
Singular SPDEs on Homogeneous Lie Groups
Authors: Avi Mayorcas, Harprit Singh
Strong convergence of parabolic rate 1 of discretisations of stochastic Allen-Cahn-type equations
Authors: Máté Gerencsér, Harprit Singh
Authors: Jeroen S.W. Lamb, Giuseppe Tenaglia, Dmitry Turaev
Looking forwards and backwards: dynamics and genealogies of locally regulated populations
Authors: Alison M. Etheridge, Thomas G. Kurtz, Ian Letter, Peter L. Ralph, Terence Tsui Ho Lung
Towards Evology: a Market Ecology Agent-Based Model of US Equity Mutual Funds II
Authors: Aymeric Vie, J. Doyne Farmer
Fin-GAN: Forecasting and Classifying Financial Time Series via Generative Adversarial Networks
Authors: Milena Vuletić, Felix Prenzel, Mihai Cucuringu
Dynamics of market making algorithms in dealer markets: Learning and tacit collusion
Authors: Rama Cont, Wei Xiong
Random neural networks for rough volatility
Authors: Antoine Jacquier, Zan Zuric
Learning reversible symplectic dynamics
Authors: Riccardo Valperga, Kevin Webster, Dmitry Turaev, Victoria Klein and Jeroen S.W. Lamb
The Lyapunov spectrum for conditioned random dynamical systems
Authors: Matheus M. Castro, Dennis Chemnitz, Hugo Chu, Maximilian Engel, Jeroen S. W. Lamb, Martin Rasmussen
Authors: Matheus M. Castro, Vincent P. H. Goverse, Jeroen S. W. Lamb, Martin Rasmussen
The mean field limit of stochastic differential equation systems modelling grid cells
Authors: José A. Carrillo, Andrea Clini, Susanne Solem
Porous media equations with nonlinear gradient noise and Dirichlet boundary conditions
Authors: Andrea Clini
The entropy production of stationary diffusions
Authors: Lancelot Da Costa, Grigorios A. Pavliotis
Path integrals, particular kinds, and strange things
Authors: Karl Friston, Lancelot Da Costa, Dalton A. R. Sakthivadivel, Conor Heins, Grigorios A. Pavliotis, Maxwell Ramstead, Thomas Parr
Modelling non-reinforced preferences using selective attention
Authors: Noor Sajid, Panagiotis Tigas, Zafeirios Fountas, Qinghai Guo, Alexey Zakharov, Lancelot Da Costa
Authors: Conor Heins, Lancelot Da Costa
On Bayesian Mechanics: A Physics of and by Beliefs
Authors: Maxwell J D Ramstead, Dalton A R Sakthivadivel, Conor Heins, Magnus Koudahl, Beren Millidge, Lancelot Da Costa, Brennan Klein, Karl J Friston
The free energy principle made simpler but not too simple
Authors: Karl Friston, Lancelot Da Costa, Noor Sajid, Conor Heins, Kai Ueltzhöffer, Grigorios A. Pavliotis, Thomas Parr
Geometric Methods for Sampling, Optimisation, Inference and Adaptive Agents
Authors: Alessandro Barp, Lancelot Da Costa, Guilherme França, Karl Friston, Mark Girolami, Michael I. Jordan, Grigorios A. Pavliotis
A mixed generative model of auditory word repetition
Authors: Noor Sajid, Emma Holmes, Lancelot Da Costa, Cathy Price, Karl Friston
How Active Inference Could Help Revolutionise Robotics
Authors: Lancelot Da Costa, Pablo Lanillos, Noor Sajid, Karl Friston, Shujhat Khan
Universality of Winning Tickets: A Renormalization Group Perspective
Authors: William T. Redman, Tianlong Chen, Zhangyang Wang, Akshunna S. Dogra
Hamiltonian neural networks for solving equations of motion
Authors: Marios Mattheakis, David Sondak, Akshunna S. Dogra, Pavlos Protopapas
Authors: Michael Giegrich, Christoph Reisinger, Yufei Zhang
Learning reversible symplectic dynamics
Authors: Riccardo Valperga, Kevin Webster, Victoria Klein, Dmitry Turaev, Jeroen S. W. Lamb
Axioms for Quantum Gauge Fields
Authors: Min Chul Lee, James Glimm
Simulation methods and error analysis for trawl processes and ambit fields
Authors: Dan Leonte, Almut E. D. Veraart
On the fractal dimensions for deterministic and random substitution graph systems
Authors: Ziyu Li
The Short-Term Predictability of Returns in Order Book Markets: a Deep Learning Perspective
Authors: Lorenzo Lucchese, Mikko Pakkanen, Almut Veraart
Authors: Ben Hambly, Julian Meier, Andreas Sojmark
McKean-Vlasov Equations with Positive Feedback through Elastic Stopping Times
Authors: Ben Hambly, Julian Meier
Fast and Slow Optimal Trading with Exogenous Information
Authors: Alessandro Micheli, Eyal Neuman
SEC Form 13F-HR: Statistical investigation of trading imbalances and profitability analysis
Authors: Deborah Miori, Mihai Cucuringu
Returns-Driven Macro Regimes and Characteristic Lead-Lag Behaviour between Asset Classes
Authors: Deborah Miori, Mihai Cucuringu
Decentralised Finance and Automated Market Making: Execution and Speculation
Authors: Álvaro Cartea, Fayçal Drissi, Marcello Monga
Decentralised Finance and Automated Market Making: Permanent Loss and Optimal Liquidity Provision
Authors: Álvaro Cartea, Fayçal Drissi, Marcello Monga
Analysis and modeling of client order flow in limit order markets
Rama Cont, Mihai Cucuringu, Vacslav Glukhov, Felix Prenzel
Asymptotic Analysis of Deep Residual Networks
Authors: Rama Cont, Alain Rossier, Renyuan Xu
Convergence and Implicit Regularization Properties of Gradient Descent for Deep Residual Networks
Authors: Rama Cont, Alain Rossier, RenYuan Xu
Quantitative Universal Approximation Bounds for Deep Belief Networks
Authors: Julian Sieber, Johann Gehringer
On the (Non-)Stationary Density of Fractional-Driven Stochastic Differential Equations
Authors: Xue-Mei Li, Fabien Panloup, Julian Sieber
Markov decision processes with observation costs
Authors: Christoph Reisinger, Jonathan Tam
Topologies on unparameterised path space
Authors: Thomas Cass, William F. Turner
Towards Evology: a Market Ecology Agent-Based Model of US Equity Mutual Funds
Authors: Aymeric Vie, Maarten Scholl, Alissa M. Kleinnijenhuis, Doyne J. Farmer
Simulation of Arbitrage-Free Implied Volatility Surfaces
Authors: Rama Cont, Milena Vuletic
Authors: Ziheng Wang, Justin Sirignano
Authors: Ziheng Wang, Justin Sirignano
Interactions of market making algorithms: a study on perceived collusion
Authors: Wei Xiong, Rama Cont
Random vortex dynamics via functional stochastic differential equations
Authors: Zhongmin Qian, Endre Süli, Yihuang Zhang
Volatility forecasting with machine learning and intraday commonality
Authors: Chao Zhang, Yihuang Zhang, Mihai Cucuringu, Zhongmin Qian
Random vortex dynamics via functional stochastic differential equations
Authors: Zhongmin Qian, Endre Süli, Yihuang Zhang
Authors: Matheus M. Castro, Jeroen S. W. Lamb, Guillermo Olicón Méndez, Martin Rasmussen
The mean field limit of stochastic differential equation systems modelling grid cells
Authors: José A. Carrillo, Andrea Clini, Susanne Solem
Authors: Thomas Parr, Lancelot Da Costa, Conor Heins, Maxwell James D. Ramstead, Karl J. Friston
Stochastic Chaos and Markov Blankets
Authors: Karl Friston, Conor Heins, Kai Ueltzhöffer, Lancelot Da Costa, Thomas Parr
A Drive towards Thermodynamic Efficiency for Dissipative Structures in Chemical Reaction Networks
Authors: Kai Ueltzhöffer, Lancelot Da Costa, Daniela Cialfi, Karl Friston
Active inference, Bayesian optimal design, and expected utility
Authors: Noor Sajid, Lancelot Da Costa, Thomas Parr, Karl Friston
Branching Time Active Inference: the theory and its generality
Authors: Théophile Champion, Lancelot Da Costa, Howard Bowman, Marek Grześ
Bayesian brains and the Rényi divergence
Authors: Noor Sajid, Francesco Faccio, Lancelot Da Costa, Thomas Parr, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Karl Friston
Bayesian Mechanics for Stationary Processes
Authors: Lancelot Da Costa, Karl Friston, Conor Heins, Grigorios A. Pavliotis
Signature asymptotics, empirical processes, and optimal transport
Authors: Thomas Cass, Remy Messadene
The dynamics of the Koopman-van Hove angular and linear momentum operators
Authors: Remy Messadene
Closed-Loop Nash Competition for Liquidity
Authors: Alessandro Micheli, Johannes Muhle-Karbe, Eyal Neuman
Scaling Properties of Deep Residual Networks
Authors: Alain-Sam Cohen, Rama Cont, Alain Rossier, Renyuan Xu
Mild Stochastic Sewing Lemma, SPDE in Random Environment, and Fractional Averaging
Authors: Xue-Mei Li, Julian Sieber
Functional Limit Theorems for Volterra Processes and Applications to Homogenization
Authors: Johann Gehringer, Xue-Mei Li, Julian Sieber
Modelling SARS-CoV-2 coevolution with genetic algorithms
Authors: Aymeric Vie
Authors: Aymeric Vie
Population network structure impacts genetic algorithm optimisation performance
Authors: Aymeric Vie
Global Convergence of the ODE Limit for Online Actor-Critic Algorithms in Reinforcement Learning
Authors: Ziheng Wang, Justin Sirignano
Authors: Serte Donderwinkel, Zheneng Xie
Tracking the vortex motion by using Brownian fluid particles
Authors: Zhongmin Qian, Youchun Qiu, Yihuang Zhang
Large and moderate deviations for importance sampling in the Heston model
Authors: Marc Geha, Antoine Jacquier, Zan Zuric
Deep Hedging under Rough Volatility
Authors: Blanka Horvath, Josef Teichmann, Zan Zuric
The relationship between dynamic programming and active inference: the discrete, finite-horizon case
Authors: Lancelot Da Costa, Noor Sajid, Thomas Parr, Karl Friston, Ryan Smith
Authors: Karl Friston, Lancelot Da Costa, Danijar Hafner, Casper Hesp, Thomas Parr
Some interesting observations on the free energy principle
Authors: Karl Friston, Lancelot Da Costa, Thomas Parr
Active inference on discrete state-spaces: a synthesis
Authors: Lancelot Da Costa, Thomas Parr, Noor Sajid, Sebastijan Veselic, Victorita Neacsu, Karl Friston
Evidence of Crowding on Russell 3000 Reconstitution Events
Authors: Alessandro Micheli, Eyal Neuman
Slow-Fast Systems with Fractional Environment and Dynamics
Authors: Xue-Mei Li, Julian Sieber
Formulae for the Derivative of the Poincaré Constant of Gibbs Measures
Authors: Julian Sieber
Qualities, challenges and future of genetic algorithms: a literature review
Authors: Aymeric Vie, Alissa M. Kleinnijenhuis, Doyne J. Farmer
Asymptotic strong Feller property and local weak irreducibility via generalized couplings
Authors: Oleg Butkovsky, Fabrice Wunderlich
Robust pricing and hedging via neural SDEs
Authors: Patryk Gierjatowicz, Marc Sabate-Vidales, David Šiška, Lukasz Szpruch, Žan Žurič

A typical realisation of the Brownian web: coalescing Brownian trajectories emanate from every point of the plane simultaneously. Trajectories are coloured according to their creation time/age. (Martin Hairer)

A simulation of Dyson Brownian motion for the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble of random symmetric matrices of size 50. (Jon Keating)